Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Question 25 :]

Would you like to know the exact date of your death?
This for me is a yes AND no question for me, i would want to know the date of my death but then i wouldn't want to. There is a couple of reasons why i wouldn't want to know, then theres reason why i would.
I think its so scary to know the exact date of the death, because who does want to know when will you death?! Knowing when you're not going to see the world again. Knowing that soon enough you'll be meeting god in heaven i think o.O. It sucks to know you have a limited time on this Earth, being scared everyday because you're a day closer to your death. But its a good thing to know because if you know you have a limited time on Earth to accomplish what you always wanted to do and die knowing that you accomplished what you want to do. So theres the upside of knowing your death date and theres the down side. But overall I'd rather not know when ima die because i dont want to live the rest of my life scared.

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