Friday, May 4, 2012

So, Jansen told me to write about him so here we go.
JANSEN JANSEN JANSEN! We have went through SOOO SOO much since the 6th grade and look at us now, in the 8th grade and always play arguing. I remember the days in the 7th grade, where we was INSEPARABLE, I was with you all the time. Always wearing your hats and jackets/ sweater. Lmao, you seriously was my best friend. You was the only boy i felt comfortable being myself around you, instead of having to impress you, i can do the silliest thing or act dumb or make the ugliest faces and i know you wouldn't even care lml. Jansen- the ONLY boy i trust, you never told my secrets ever since the 7th grade and i Love you for that. You always respected me as a person, or my decisions or whatever the case was. We can have a conversation about anything! It can be about the stupidest stuff but we tend to make it sound really interesting which i love. I LOVE getting you mad, and you swear you are going to hit me back but you never do :p . Man oh man, the thing i love most about you is that when I'm in a bad mood you know how to make a person feel better automatically. When I'm down about something you tend to make me forget about it, - at least for a little. Your'e not a follower usually, which i like and you're EXTREMELY EXTREMELY funny. We of course go through our little arguments where i feel like smacking you across your face but of course its never really serious. I remember every time i was with you, theres always that one girl who used to just be like -_- but i LOVED it lmao. its just too funny. Somehow you seem to make basketball sorta interesting when we talk about it, but i just love talking bad about your favorite players because you get mad lml. I remember when you taught me about like basketball before lol i still sorta remember. Well here you got ugly jansen <3 your post that you want -.-


lahana said...

Besides the *ahem* curse word, that was a very touching post. I think things are going to get very nostalgic the next couple months...

ajimenez188 said...

i didn't really curse technically. But thank you and whats nostalgic?