Monday, May 7, 2012

Random question 39.

What bugs me the most? - Oh yeah let me tell that have been bugging me RECENTLY ( there's lots of stuff that bugs me though). What has been bugging be a lot recently is people wastes a special talent that not many people have. I mean are you dumb? God don't hand out certain stuff to just anyone; I mean he obviously he given you that talent to go do something with your life but people tend to just waste it and choose another past or just DON'T GO NO WHERE IN LIFE! Like lets say if you're an amazing actor. But you just waste you talent doing NOTHING but lay down on your couch doing nothing instead of finding a way to show it off and take advantage of it. I find it really annoying because I know someone who was a great actress, was actually doing something for herself to make her accomplish her dream, and honestly i would say she could have had an amazing career ahead of her but she decided to drop out of school and just stopped striving to do stuff and now she does nothing but sit home. Also, SINGERS- there are many people in the music industry who cannot sing at all to me, but yet they get paid for doing something they suck at and is getting attention for their "talent" that usually just the help of technology and auto-tuning that makes them sound great. And then theres real talent out here but of course they decide to let it all go to waste. They let it go to waste by just dropping everything they have going for themselves and just doing nothing. I mean you can be showing off your talent by making music or performing but obviously you're just sitting on your butt doing absolutely nothing but watching other non- talented people performing. I mean i understand if you try, but if you don't even try and take advantage for what you have then i find that extremely annoying. Also, sometimes i find it annoying when people have great voices but decide to become a nurse when they grow up or a clothing designer or whatever. I mean whats the point of having a nice voice if you're not going to do nothing with your voice. I mean i DO understand if you have another future that you see but like ugh! why have the talent if you're not going to make use of it. But that doesn't really bother me i guess because you can be given something but want to work for something else. But yeah over the weekend i have been really thinking of that and that have been bothering me.

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