Monday, April 30, 2012

Random question 36

What would your dream best friend be like?
Its hard to find all the qualities I want that fit into a person but I would want them to be funny or fun. I love being surrounded with funny and fun people because a moment can never be boring with someone who i funny. I hate boring people who doesn't do anything. I want them to be funny and fun, but know when and where to be serious and stuff. Someone who knows what type of mood I'm in so they know when to just be quiet or just not be annoying. I want someone to be able to just look at my face and see what emotion I'm feeling. I want a Ride or Die type definitely, someone who would stick with me when I'm in the worst times of my life, but is also there to experience all the good things with me. Someone i can trust with every little thing, that I can just tell them anything and they won't judge me. I want to feel COMFORTABLE talking to them, and i want them to actually CARE just like i would. Someone who would be there to support me mentally and emotionally. Like if I'm going through something I can just be like alright I'm going to see ______ later, maybe _ would help me out with what I'm feeling. Someone who can help me through my problems and/ or confusion I'm feeling. A person who knows EXACTLY what to do when I'm upset. When a situation happens or something really funny or anything interesting happen i can be like I CANT WAIT TO TELL THEM ! Someone who isn't in much rumors or any problems so i won't have to be involved. Someone who respects me as a person and wouldn't do anything messed up like tell any of my secrets, or if i tell them i really like someone they would respect that and back off of them, and wouldn't immediately go after them. I really appreciate people who tell me "oh your hairs sticking out right there, fix it" or " your hair is puffy" or whatever, just constructive criticism that would help me out with my appearance. BUT they also is able to say " oh you like nice today" or just anything to help out my low self- esteem. I want the person to know everything singe thing about me, enough that they can write a whole entire book about me. I tend to say long stories and have plenty of them, so i would want them to want to listen to me but also have a say in it or just whatever so i know they're listening. I would also want someone to push me, i want them to be my drive to not give up because THEY'RE trying to look out for whats best for me. Lets say, ( since i want to be an actress) they'll like find out about auditions or find classes or whatever. They won't talk about me to others, even though i may not be the most perfect person and may mess up as a friend or just in general. I want to talk to them so much, if we're together we never run out of things to say, and i wouldn't want to be with each other 24/7 on top of each other, but we're with each other a lot. And also, be able to text each other on weekends and hang out OUTSIDE school also. I want to also get close with her family as she would mine and be able to look their stuff and feel comfortable because its like my house also, and be able to consider her my sister. I want to have some many insiders that we can just bring up at any moment; where we can just laugh about the littlest things without thinking we're crazy. We can make a certain face and just laugh and know exactly what it means. Every plan we have, we ALWAYS involve each other in them. Where i can look SOOOO ugly, but yet don't feel insecure cause they can care less. SO YEAH, i guess that'd be my DREAM best friend !


lahana said...

Wow. I want a friend like that too! Have you ever had something close to that? I have, but I lost him when I started focusing on getting into college and he wasn't really interested in that. Its been 20 years and I still regret it and miss him! That's why I never make light of teenage friendships and relationships like some other adults. Many say, "you'll barely remember people you meet before college." But I know that not to be true.

ajimenez188 said...

aw , that sucks but why would you regret it. Its good that you put college first cause thats what brought you to where you are today which is a successful teacher - which is what you wanted to do i think.

ajimenez188 said...

Oh and yes i sorta have, which was Jillian :) . I mean some of the stuff she didnt have but she definitely came extremely close and i appreciate her for that.

ajimenez188 said...

Oh and yes i sorta have, which was Jillian :) . I mean some of the stuff she didnt have but she definitely came extremely close and i appreciate her for that.