Tuesday, September 13, 2011


1st FACT: Osama bin laden was the creator of the whole terrorist group.
#1FICTION: "9/11 didn't happen"

2nd FACT: 4 planes were hijacked for the mission. 2 hit the twin towers, one for the pentagon and the other for the white house. But they only accomplished hitting.
#2Fiction: the terrorist came from Pakistan, Iraq when they came from Sadui Araeia.

3rd FACT: There was 19 men who worked in small groups to go to the airport.
#3Fiction:They say Sadam Hussein was the one who ordered and planned to attack the twin towers , pentagon and white house when it was Osama Bin Laden.

4th FACT: When they crashed the planes into the twin towers the president was in a second grade class in Florida.
#4 Fiction:

5th FACT: The South Tower collapsed after burning for 56 Minutes collapsed in 10 seconds. And 20 minutes later the North tower collapsed.
#5 Fiction: Another fiction was that it was an inside job.


A.ortega said...

good job on the facts =)

Anonymous said...

nice fact but you got to put more fictions but this was a good work