This is a really a hard question because all my senses come in handy and i make use of them all the time. Having these senses help you in everyday life and living without any of my senses would make a major effect on me and my life because I'm so used to having my senses already. My parents have lost their hearing and being able to speak, but seem to be perfectly fine just needing help with certain stuff and needing a translator. It would be really hard for me to lose my hearing and not being able to speak because that means i can't overhear what others are saying and also that means i can't express myself verbally which i do a lot. Being blind is the worst because everything i do involves looking, i can't even coop with being wide awake in the dark doing nothing because i feel so helpless, i can't use that sense to see where I'm going or see who I'm speaking to, or know what i am touching. Not being able to know what others are doing around me, just makes me feel vulnerable. Having headphones on pretty means i lost my hearing other than to music, but to the outer world i feel as if i can't hear anything but still i cope with it. I feel really weird when people are speaking and i can't hear them because i have headphones really loud in my ears, but i am able to take off my headphones, whereas being deaf you can't take it off. I usually have to put my input in every conversation, i usually have an opinion on everything so i speak on it but not being able to speak means i can't say how i feel verbally. Not being able to taste anything would also suck because i am a major fan of food and tasting food so not being able to taste food and enjoy it would suck a lot. Touching stuff is a part of everybody everyday life, whether its just touching this keyboard while I'm writing, or touching my hand or anything and not being able to feel anything would be extremely weird. But if i had to choose to loose any of my senses i would probably loose the sense to taste anything because that wouldn't really be a major affect on my life. I could cope with not being able to taste stuff, although it sucks that you can't taste great stuff or anything like that it would suck. Not being able to taste stuff is not that serious compared to not being able to hear, see, touch or talk to me.
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