For the first video, about the phones boyfriend texting her constantly . The advice I can give to her is- She should DEFINITELY tell her boyfriend the 193489487528475 texts a day is bothering her. I don't think she should worry about hurting his feelings if she uses the right words, and say it kindly and make sure he doesn't mistake your words for meaning something else i think everything would go fine. BUT THEN, he may actually take it as if you find him annoying and don't want him to text you anymore which is why I say she has to make sure that he understand what she is saying when she says not to send her so much texts a day. I think everyone personally doesn't like when someone texts them way too much, but its nice to know the other person does think about you. I just think you should tell him that the texting is just getting way too far. Using the wrong words while telling him would probably make things worse. This situation can go two ways - where you use the right words and he gets what you are saying and texts you less than what he does. And then theres the other situation where he may take it as you don't want to speak to him anymore and for him to stop texting you because you find him annoying even though thats not the case. So, TELL HIM how you are feeling but also make sure you are saying it the right way. Reverse the roles, and write what you would want him to say to you so it won't sound so harsh.
For the Second video about pressuring for pictures. - IT IS NOT OKAY AT ALL TO PRESSURE SOMEONE FOR A PICTURE AT ALLLLLLLLLLLL! Pressuring a girl for a inappropriate picture is the worst thing you can do. FIRST OFF, you're going to make the girl think you're a lame for desperately wanting a picture. Girls deserve privacy when it comes to pictures. It should be her choice whether or not she wants to send a picture to you or not. Its her body, it doesn't matter if you guys went out for 8 days or 8 months. If she isn't ready then she doesn't have to send a picture. Also, you're sorta going to make the girl feel like you only want her to see if she is going to send you picture. You should just make her comfortable and not pressure her. Sending a picture to someone means facing the affects if it leaks or other people see it. Its embarrassing for the whole school to see your body, people will look at you differently, and its just a lot for a girl to handle. I think you shouldn't pressure a girl like that ever in your life. Its just disrespectful and not comfortable.
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