Friday, May 25, 2012
X factor,
X factor, not too sure if many people know about x factor or have an interest for it like how I was before. Before i always heard about it but never bothered to watch it because i thought it wasn't really interesting because i thought it never really got AS MUCH attention as like American Idol did. But come to find out many artist became famous from that show, like my husbands One direction who got famous off the UK X factor, Little mix who also got famous of Little Mix, Leona Lewis and many other artist. That show got recommended from many of my friends but never have i bothered to watch it. But now it is getting a lot of attention from the media because Demi Lovato and Brittney spears is Joining the show as a judge, which i am extremely excited for because i actually know them and i think they would bring a new style to the judges room. I look forward to watching it and i just cannot wait for it to start the new season with new talent and new judges! # Random o.O
random question ;
Why do i not like eating in front of boys? _ Credit to troy for this question .
I don't feel comfortable eating in front of many boys, although some boys ( as in very few) I can eat in front of. I Don't like eating in front of a guy because I don't want to look messy in front of them. I worry about my appearance once it comes to looking messy with food. I mean how embarrassing is it to have food in your teeth/braces? Having crumbs or sauce around your mouth? Or having your breath smell like mad food! I think that is so embarrassing. If I am forced to have to eat in front of a boy i always cover my mouth with my hand. I just don't feel comfortable eating in front of them. Sometimes it's not even only boys, i sometimes just don't feel comfortable eating in front of people in general for the exception of close friends. At lunch, many people may notice that i always cover my mouth while eating a lot even if all the people surrounding me in my table are close to me. There is still many people in the lunchroom and lets say people glances at me, i don't want to have food on my face or something, or i don't want to be chewing food or something while they're looking, I find that extremely embarrassing. I always carry gum around because I don't want to have food breath, thats disgusting -__- because i know i hate being around people who breath smell like what they ate for lunch. Also, i always check if i have food in my braces or teeth i mean thats really really embarrassing. So those are the reasons why i don't like eating in front of boys, and also the after stuff also. Thats just me. :)
I don't feel comfortable eating in front of many boys, although some boys ( as in very few) I can eat in front of. I Don't like eating in front of a guy because I don't want to look messy in front of them. I worry about my appearance once it comes to looking messy with food. I mean how embarrassing is it to have food in your teeth/braces? Having crumbs or sauce around your mouth? Or having your breath smell like mad food! I think that is so embarrassing. If I am forced to have to eat in front of a boy i always cover my mouth with my hand. I just don't feel comfortable eating in front of them. Sometimes it's not even only boys, i sometimes just don't feel comfortable eating in front of people in general for the exception of close friends. At lunch, many people may notice that i always cover my mouth while eating a lot even if all the people surrounding me in my table are close to me. There is still many people in the lunchroom and lets say people glances at me, i don't want to have food on my face or something, or i don't want to be chewing food or something while they're looking, I find that extremely embarrassing. I always carry gum around because I don't want to have food breath, thats disgusting -__- because i know i hate being around people who breath smell like what they ate for lunch. Also, i always check if i have food in my braces or teeth i mean thats really really embarrassing. So those are the reasons why i don't like eating in front of boys, and also the after stuff also. Thats just me. :)
Monday, May 21, 2012
Singers for some reason have such an affect on me. I am in love with singers, if i can choose to have a special sort of talent it would definitely be singing ( the ones who can do high and long long notes ). Especially when you're a male and have the ability to sing amazing is to me is very attractive. Not many people have the talent to sing naturally really nice so to stumble upon someone who has an amazing voice and having the chance to hear them sing is amazing. I am more into when guys can sing more because i barely ever meet a guy that can sing, i think i only met and heard one guy who can sing really nice - not naming names. But i think it is more common for a girl to be a singer or "say" they're a singer when in reality they aren't. I think it makes a guy much more attractive and no I'm not talking about a male country singer nor a heavy metal type. But more as in chris brown, or justin bieber or one direction ! Which is why i am very much attracted to them :) especially harry styles in one direction. But Singers just i don't know how to explain it other than that i really like singers. I think singers now in the industry don't deserve to be as famous as they are because they have the auto tuning and everything to help them vocally so when it comes down to performing live they sound horrible. But then there are real talented people who aren't yet famous, but have a beautiful voice which doesn't involve needing to add much effects and auto-tuning. I personally think it'd be way better to have people become famous they'd have to go through like a talent show to show their true talent like one direction, kelly clarkson and etc instead of being a F A K E. Or at least show proof that you can actually sing, whether its being on a talent show, or singing acoustic a lot, and stuff to prove you are worthy to be in the industry. Yesterday was the billboard awards and i was highly disappointed because most of the singers were lip synching and some who didn't lip sync sounded horrible ( SOME) and you just look at them confused like they sang that song?! I wish singers sounded as good as they do while recording and stuff. I think the only acceptable thing to sound horrible or to lip synch is if you are out of breath or dancing or moving around rapidly a lot. - JUST SAYING.
Random Question
If i had to remove one of my senses, which would it be?
This is a really a hard question because all my senses come in handy and i make use of them all the time. Having these senses help you in everyday life and living without any of my senses would make a major effect on me and my life because I'm so used to having my senses already. My parents have lost their hearing and being able to speak, but seem to be perfectly fine just needing help with certain stuff and needing a translator. It would be really hard for me to lose my hearing and not being able to speak because that means i can't overhear what others are saying and also that means i can't express myself verbally which i do a lot. Being blind is the worst because everything i do involves looking, i can't even coop with being wide awake in the dark doing nothing because i feel so helpless, i can't use that sense to see where I'm going or see who I'm speaking to, or know what i am touching. Not being able to know what others are doing around me, just makes me feel vulnerable. Having headphones on pretty means i lost my hearing other than to music, but to the outer world i feel as if i can't hear anything but still i cope with it. I feel really weird when people are speaking and i can't hear them because i have headphones really loud in my ears, but i am able to take off my headphones, whereas being deaf you can't take it off. I usually have to put my input in every conversation, i usually have an opinion on everything so i speak on it but not being able to speak means i can't say how i feel verbally. Not being able to taste anything would also suck because i am a major fan of food and tasting food so not being able to taste food and enjoy it would suck a lot. Touching stuff is a part of everybody everyday life, whether its just touching this keyboard while I'm writing, or touching my hand or anything and not being able to feel anything would be extremely weird. But if i had to choose to loose any of my senses i would probably loose the sense to taste anything because that wouldn't really be a major affect on my life. I could cope with not being able to taste stuff, although it sucks that you can't taste great stuff or anything like that it would suck. Not being able to taste stuff is not that serious compared to not being able to hear, see, touch or talk to me.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Random Question.
Listen to this Killer Mike song called Reagan.
In it, he begins by talking about how his community sabotages itself.
Later, he raps about how our government is corrupt and all about
keeping the rich rich. He might be right about some of the stuff he
says, however, the government does do some good things. What are your thoughts on our government? What do we do well? What do we need to work on?
Honestly, before I never cared about what the government did. I never was caring about being updated about what they did, whether it was Obama speaking, or the mayor or whatever i never really cared; as long as I was still alive and my community seemed well. But my older cousin opened my eyes when it came to the government and made me look at them way differently than i did before. I'm not too sure if its true but, they say that right now as I'm typing this, the government is making chips to put in our bodies. The chips are like replacements for money; they scan you to pa for stuff. I think that's really bad because everybody will know how much you are worthy of. Whether you are wealthy or not which i think having wallets and money has the ability to hide that. Well, I'm not too sure if everybody knows about this story - but recently a husband and wife and a couple of kids fell off the bridge or something like that because they crashed into something older or flew out of something i honestly don't know. BUT, everybody thinks it was a accident that can be fixed; but actually that exact bridge, at that exact spot the same incident happened twice in like the 19 hundreds that could have been fixed before with the help of the government. Still, no one has fixed it! Which means that can happen again and again. I think, theres a cure for everything! Cancer, herpes, HIV or whatever. But think about it, if we had all those cures there would barely be any types of deaths happening, whether it was the cause of cancer or some sort of std because we have all the cures we need. If we did have these cures, this world would be SO overpopulated, which means more communities to care for and whatever. I think the government is just being heartless and think they are making the world better but really they're just making everything worse.
'Left eye' from TLC, i remember i read a book about her and they said that she was driving and fell off a cliff or something like that. But i don't think that was by accident, i think that was planned for sure. There is a man in Africa or something RIGHT now who has the cure for everything people say. For cancer, STD, or ANYTHING! He has a cure BUT the government has told him to keep quiet because then the government knows everybody would go to him to figure out the cures which means - the world being overpopulated. So look, before Left Eyes death, she found out about the man and was going to go to him for the cure so she can get rid of her sickness or disease. Before she left to go see him, she blew his cover not knowing he was a secret. She told the public that there is a man there who has a cure for everything and she was going there, and that was the last the the government wanted because now everybody knew about him. She then went, and then what a coincidence that when she came back all healthy she fell of a cliff in a car. People believe that the secret agent people definitely planned that because she told the public cluelessly that the man was there, and then right when she came back that happened. She got pushed off with the car, it was all in their plan of seeking revenge i would say. Call me crazy but I'm not the only one who believes this. The government are heartless and uncaring people personally to me who actually have different intentions then what the people in America thinks. If they can kill Left Eye just cause of that what makes you think they won't do something else that's really bad. They put up a front in front of America but behind closed doors, what do you really think they're planning?
THERE IS a cure for everything, but remember the government is keeping it from us. Do you really think they're looking out for whats best for us?
Honestly, before I never cared about what the government did. I never was caring about being updated about what they did, whether it was Obama speaking, or the mayor or whatever i never really cared; as long as I was still alive and my community seemed well. But my older cousin opened my eyes when it came to the government and made me look at them way differently than i did before. I'm not too sure if its true but, they say that right now as I'm typing this, the government is making chips to put in our bodies. The chips are like replacements for money; they scan you to pa for stuff. I think that's really bad because everybody will know how much you are worthy of. Whether you are wealthy or not which i think having wallets and money has the ability to hide that. Well, I'm not too sure if everybody knows about this story - but recently a husband and wife and a couple of kids fell off the bridge or something like that because they crashed into something older or flew out of something i honestly don't know. BUT, everybody thinks it was a accident that can be fixed; but actually that exact bridge, at that exact spot the same incident happened twice in like the 19 hundreds that could have been fixed before with the help of the government. Still, no one has fixed it! Which means that can happen again and again. I think, theres a cure for everything! Cancer, herpes, HIV or whatever. But think about it, if we had all those cures there would barely be any types of deaths happening, whether it was the cause of cancer or some sort of std because we have all the cures we need. If we did have these cures, this world would be SO overpopulated, which means more communities to care for and whatever. I think the government is just being heartless and think they are making the world better but really they're just making everything worse.
'Left eye' from TLC, i remember i read a book about her and they said that she was driving and fell off a cliff or something like that. But i don't think that was by accident, i think that was planned for sure. There is a man in Africa or something RIGHT now who has the cure for everything people say. For cancer, STD, or ANYTHING! He has a cure BUT the government has told him to keep quiet because then the government knows everybody would go to him to figure out the cures which means - the world being overpopulated. So look, before Left Eyes death, she found out about the man and was going to go to him for the cure so she can get rid of her sickness or disease. Before she left to go see him, she blew his cover not knowing he was a secret. She told the public that there is a man there who has a cure for everything and she was going there, and that was the last the the government wanted because now everybody knew about him. She then went, and then what a coincidence that when she came back all healthy she fell of a cliff in a car. People believe that the secret agent people definitely planned that because she told the public cluelessly that the man was there, and then right when she came back that happened. She got pushed off with the car, it was all in their plan of seeking revenge i would say. Call me crazy but I'm not the only one who believes this. The government are heartless and uncaring people personally to me who actually have different intentions then what the people in America thinks. If they can kill Left Eye just cause of that what makes you think they won't do something else that's really bad. They put up a front in front of America but behind closed doors, what do you really think they're planning?
THERE IS a cure for everything, but remember the government is keeping it from us. Do you really think they're looking out for whats best for us?
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Describe your best and worst birthday.
My worst - My worst birthday was probably about 2 years ago when i was turning 12. It was the worst, well first we didn't even really celebrate it with balloons, and friends. I actually got my braces that day! SO of course my teeth was in so much pain. I had to wake up extremely early so i won't get to my appointment late. I received no gift at all from nobody not even my parents; they said why do anything special if you're only 12 -_-. So, first bad thing- NO gift! Then we got to the dentist and they put on my braces and i started getting pains on my teeth so it would be hard for my to eat, oh but wait guess that! >:o my parents decided to take me out to eat so i had to struggle and eat. I was in so much pain, so i was barely eating which sorta wasted my parents money, but i ate enough for a girl who was in pain! If i wasn't in pain i would have definitely ate a lot as usual. Then i got home and it was just a normal day, took a shower and watched TV. fun right?
My best- from what i can remember i never really had like the BEST party in the world because honestly, on a normal day I'd choose staying home alone doing nothing over going to a party with a whole bunch of friends. But my best that i can remember would definitely be when i was turn 10, My parents were throwing me a surprise party. So they lied to me saying that it was my parents friend son birthday and they was forcing me to go even though i really did not want to go! They said it was just going to be at a restaurant and whatever and what do you know! It was for me, I was sooooooo soooo shocked, like more than i ever have been. Plus i also received so much money! About like 1,200 i think - yeah that's how much people came - A LOT. But -__________________________- my parents only gave me 60 dollars out of it and paid the restaurant with the rest! That was the biggest drain ever, i mean why throw me a little party there if you not going to pay it yourself. The people who came obviously gave ME the money for MYSELF not no damn restaurant. So yeah that sucked
My worst - My worst birthday was probably about 2 years ago when i was turning 12. It was the worst, well first we didn't even really celebrate it with balloons, and friends. I actually got my braces that day! SO of course my teeth was in so much pain. I had to wake up extremely early so i won't get to my appointment late. I received no gift at all from nobody not even my parents; they said why do anything special if you're only 12 -_-. So, first bad thing- NO gift! Then we got to the dentist and they put on my braces and i started getting pains on my teeth so it would be hard for my to eat, oh but wait guess that! >:o my parents decided to take me out to eat so i had to struggle and eat. I was in so much pain, so i was barely eating which sorta wasted my parents money, but i ate enough for a girl who was in pain! If i wasn't in pain i would have definitely ate a lot as usual. Then i got home and it was just a normal day, took a shower and watched TV. fun right?
My best- from what i can remember i never really had like the BEST party in the world because honestly, on a normal day I'd choose staying home alone doing nothing over going to a party with a whole bunch of friends. But my best that i can remember would definitely be when i was turn 10, My parents were throwing me a surprise party. So they lied to me saying that it was my parents friend son birthday and they was forcing me to go even though i really did not want to go! They said it was just going to be at a restaurant and whatever and what do you know! It was for me, I was sooooooo soooo shocked, like more than i ever have been. Plus i also received so much money! About like 1,200 i think - yeah that's how much people came - A LOT. But -__________________________- my parents only gave me 60 dollars out of it and paid the restaurant with the rest! That was the biggest drain ever, i mean why throw me a little party there if you not going to pay it yourself. The people who came obviously gave ME the money for MYSELF not no damn restaurant. So yeah that sucked
Harry styles,

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Random question 43 !
What are your hopes for the future?
I hope to become a successful actress and be in tons or music and be married to Harry Styles ! Uh, yeah that's it ! :D JUST KIDDING .
Hopefully in the near future I am a successful actress in tons of music and dating or married to Harry Styles ! I always wanted to be a actress when I was younger because of course, the fame and money but I also like how being an actress gives you a chance to portray every personality you dream of. It lets you step out of your normal character even if its just for a little while. I really admire actors and celebrities because of the things they do and i hope when I become famous and rich, people would look up to me as a role model. Being an actress involves getting a lot of money which would give me a chance to be able to help others in the world which I would love to do. When I'm older, I want to be able to donate to many charities and do many things. I want to repay my parents and care for them instead of the other way around, I would want them to not worry about financial stuff because I'd be able to help them with no problem. Honesty, if being in movies didn't pay much I would still want to be an actress because being involved in movies helps you meet other people and also as i said makes you step out of your character which is my main reason! Actors have a chance to not only be themselves but also portray others for a little while and then go back to their normal selfs. My whole family does so much for me, and I would want to repay them back in the near future with something extravagant, which I'm not too sure what would it be. But something that would be memorable and I just want to make my family proud of me and I know achieving my goal as to being a mature young lady and being an actress would definitely make them proud which would make me proud of myself also. If i become an actress I know my life will be complete because since i was about 7 I always wanted to be one, and now that I'm working hard to become one and putting effort and time into trying to become an actress I would be so happy to actually get there and make my goal so I can set a new goal for life.
HARRY STYLES, I want him to be my husband ! Seriously though, I hate when people think I'm kidding when I want to marry him. I know theres probably Billions of girls who cry over being with him but just because I am not chasing his tour bus and all this stuff I do want to meet him and marry him! I'm pretty sure he and the rest of his band in One direction must be sorta weirded out by how fans don't treat them like normal people and just approach them normally without screaming! He is only 4 years older than me and now a days many women date guys who are older than them. He is sooo sooo attractive with curly hair, nice dimples/ smile and also a beautiful voice. I am the ultimate fan I would say, I'm in love with him and oh my god, Id be so hype if I was too even meet him. Imagine marry! But seriously I can be the famous and actor and he can be the famous singer. Just watch, anyone whos reading this; don't doubt me just yet ;)
I hope to become a successful actress and be in tons or music and be married to Harry Styles ! Uh, yeah that's it ! :D JUST KIDDING .
Hopefully in the near future I am a successful actress in tons of music and dating or married to Harry Styles ! I always wanted to be a actress when I was younger because of course, the fame and money but I also like how being an actress gives you a chance to portray every personality you dream of. It lets you step out of your normal character even if its just for a little while. I really admire actors and celebrities because of the things they do and i hope when I become famous and rich, people would look up to me as a role model. Being an actress involves getting a lot of money which would give me a chance to be able to help others in the world which I would love to do. When I'm older, I want to be able to donate to many charities and do many things. I want to repay my parents and care for them instead of the other way around, I would want them to not worry about financial stuff because I'd be able to help them with no problem. Honesty, if being in movies didn't pay much I would still want to be an actress because being involved in movies helps you meet other people and also as i said makes you step out of your character which is my main reason! Actors have a chance to not only be themselves but also portray others for a little while and then go back to their normal selfs. My whole family does so much for me, and I would want to repay them back in the near future with something extravagant, which I'm not too sure what would it be. But something that would be memorable and I just want to make my family proud of me and I know achieving my goal as to being a mature young lady and being an actress would definitely make them proud which would make me proud of myself also. If i become an actress I know my life will be complete because since i was about 7 I always wanted to be one, and now that I'm working hard to become one and putting effort and time into trying to become an actress I would be so happy to actually get there and make my goal so I can set a new goal for life.
HARRY STYLES, I want him to be my husband ! Seriously though, I hate when people think I'm kidding when I want to marry him. I know theres probably Billions of girls who cry over being with him but just because I am not chasing his tour bus and all this stuff I do want to meet him and marry him! I'm pretty sure he and the rest of his band in One direction must be sorta weirded out by how fans don't treat them like normal people and just approach them normally without screaming! He is only 4 years older than me and now a days many women date guys who are older than them. He is sooo sooo attractive with curly hair, nice dimples/ smile and also a beautiful voice. I am the ultimate fan I would say, I'm in love with him and oh my god, Id be so hype if I was too even meet him. Imagine marry! But seriously I can be the famous and actor and he can be the famous singer. Just watch, anyone whos reading this; don't doubt me just yet ;)
Monday, May 14, 2012
.. :'(
On Saturday, My dad showed me the saddest video! It was a Lady abusing her 8 month child badly ! I couldn't stand watching it, I only watched about 15 seconds of it probably but i kept looking away. I kept crying and crying and crying! You could have probably filled up a whole water bottle with my tears. Just seeing how that lady kept beating the kid over and over without even feeling bad and just hitting it as if she were hitting a adult and not thinking about how fragile a baby is. I think it is understandable if you hit a baby on its leg or hand lightly if he/she does something bad. But all the baby was doing was crying and crying because it was HURT ! Desperately just wanting the mother to stop and pay attention to its needs as a baby. she must have NO HEART AT ALL, no emotional feeling to be hitting the baby and treating it the way she did without feeling any type of way. Watching that made a mark on my memory for sure! Just writing this post is making me feel sorta sad, the memory just keep replaying in my head. The lady with a tank top sitting on her bed just hitting the baby as it cries. Her just staring at the baby with no emotional gesture or anything. Feeling no sympathy for the baby.. HER baby at all what so ever. Her just raising her hand at ease and hitting the baby with something ( I wasn't to sure what it was) just because it was crying. I mean, a baby cries ! thats what babies do ! I can't believe she was carrying that baby around for 9 months in your stomach and then you want to abuse your child like that?! I think SHE deserves to have her child taken away forever and ever, to let it have a chance at a better life instead of suffering abuse from the mother. sooner or later I'm sure the baby will learn to hate their mother. I mean ALL my sad emotion just washed out, all the emotion that was running through my body for those 15 seconds or whatever was tiring! Feeling just sad, mad, sympathy, wanting to seek revenge for the child was just all towards the mother. I kept picturing the baby as my little sister which made everything worse. I cannot picture my little sister being constantly beat like that. Never would i be able to put my hands on a child constantly and keep abusing the child for absolutely nothing! Just knowing that instead of seeing it cry all the time i could be seeing the baby laugh and have fun like a normal baby with just doing something as simple as not abusing your child. I honestly don't know how she just hit the baby over and over like that. I don't know why she decided to be a mother if she can't handle all the things that come with a baby like the need of being loved by its own blood, the crying, sleepless nights and stuff like that! Don't add another person, especially a clueless baby into your self problems and especially taking out anger on such a small child. I mean, if you didn't want the baby because of whatever issues then give it away honestly! You are pretty much letting the one you should be loving actually suffer! Also, if theres other people witnessing the abuse that she is giving to her kid and not saying anything is also a bad person. I mean what if she was abusing you like that, imagine a baby! No matter what the situation was, the baby should not have gotten hit like that. Anyone who is witnessing that abuse from her or anybody should quickly go somewhere, where the baby can get help because obviously it can't do it itself! I mean, what do you guys think? Would you help an innocent child get away from its abusive mother? cause i know i would no matter what the risk is.
Random Question
If there were a public execution on television, would you watch it?
NOOOOO. I would not watch it, I start feeling bad for the person and especially if they TORTURE the person , I would start to feel the pain as if it was happening to me. I mean, honestly I think thats so disrespectful for people to put someone killed on tv. I mean, what if that person family is watching. It must be heart breaking knowing that many people are being entertained by a loved ones death. I mean what if it was reversed role and the whole world is just being entertain, laughing chanting or whatever it is at the death or your loved ones, OR YOU. Theres no point of watching a public execution, I mean whats there to watch other than someone suffering. Its just SAD. I mean even if the person deserved it - the execution, then i mean i think its fine to be executed but it is going to be hard for people to watch. even if the person is a bad person , they are still HUMAN ! I personally don't know how people find it exciting to watch someone get tortured even if they deserve it. I think the only case that people can watch it i guess is if the person getting executed was like a killer or something and did something to you or a close family member. Then i guess it take a little bit of weight of your shoulders knowing that he got killed and he got what he deserves! I think even if you are watching the public execution, you should think about the family the person had and close people and how they feel. As i said if the person deserve the execution i think there is NOO problem with them getting killed, i mean if you are doing something as crazy as what you did to get the execution then i mean fine get killed. But its just disrespectful for it to be on tv. Why should we watch it ? Is there any purpose ! Most likely, no there isn't. But personally i Just wouldn't watch it because I would start to feel bad and just would feel sorry for the person. And plus when i watch something that really affects me and just really creeps me out; it stays in my head and my brain would just replaying it and replaying it and replaying it over and over! So, watching it would just cause a lifetime affect on me, knowing i watched someone die and didn't feel a type of way or anything.
NOOOOO. I would not watch it, I start feeling bad for the person and especially if they TORTURE the person , I would start to feel the pain as if it was happening to me. I mean, honestly I think thats so disrespectful for people to put someone killed on tv. I mean, what if that person family is watching. It must be heart breaking knowing that many people are being entertained by a loved ones death. I mean what if it was reversed role and the whole world is just being entertain, laughing chanting or whatever it is at the death or your loved ones, OR YOU. Theres no point of watching a public execution, I mean whats there to watch other than someone suffering. Its just SAD. I mean even if the person deserved it - the execution, then i mean i think its fine to be executed but it is going to be hard for people to watch. even if the person is a bad person , they are still HUMAN ! I personally don't know how people find it exciting to watch someone get tortured even if they deserve it. I think the only case that people can watch it i guess is if the person getting executed was like a killer or something and did something to you or a close family member. Then i guess it take a little bit of weight of your shoulders knowing that he got killed and he got what he deserves! I think even if you are watching the public execution, you should think about the family the person had and close people and how they feel. As i said if the person deserve the execution i think there is NOO problem with them getting killed, i mean if you are doing something as crazy as what you did to get the execution then i mean fine get killed. But its just disrespectful for it to be on tv. Why should we watch it ? Is there any purpose ! Most likely, no there isn't. But personally i Just wouldn't watch it because I would start to feel bad and just would feel sorry for the person. And plus when i watch something that really affects me and just really creeps me out; it stays in my head and my brain would just replaying it and replaying it and replaying it over and over! So, watching it would just cause a lifetime affect on me, knowing i watched someone die and didn't feel a type of way or anything.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Random questionn ,
Should sex ed. be required in all middle and high schools? Why or why not?
I Definitely believe sex ed should be required in all middle and high school, I think it would cause less people to want to have sex or at least think about the effects instead of just the "pleasure" of it. I think having sex ed class would cause less girls to get pregnant because it would cause everyone to think twice about everything because more people would be more informed in sex ed class. Having sex ed class would probably have more kids interested in school. Kids our age usually have a keen interest in sex for some reason so learning about it in a positive way might have kids wanting to learn more about it. Maturity can be shown more through sex ed class because some teenagers can't handle speaking about sex without being extremely immature about it. Sex ed class will keep kids informed about sex and at least having that class would have teenagers walking around with more knowledge about it. At least if kids think about having sex and something happens they can't really blame no one else but themselves because they were informed about it. But since most school don't have sex ed they aren't informed about nothing !
I Definitely believe sex ed should be required in all middle and high school, I think it would cause less people to want to have sex or at least think about the effects instead of just the "pleasure" of it. I think having sex ed class would cause less girls to get pregnant because it would cause everyone to think twice about everything because more people would be more informed in sex ed class. Having sex ed class would probably have more kids interested in school. Kids our age usually have a keen interest in sex for some reason so learning about it in a positive way might have kids wanting to learn more about it. Maturity can be shown more through sex ed class because some teenagers can't handle speaking about sex without being extremely immature about it. Sex ed class will keep kids informed about sex and at least having that class would have teenagers walking around with more knowledge about it. At least if kids think about having sex and something happens they can't really blame no one else but themselves because they were informed about it. But since most school don't have sex ed they aren't informed about nothing !
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Random question
If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?
If i were to die this evening with no opportunity to contact anyone. I would really regret not expressing how i Truly feel towards her IN HER FACE. My mother, she is the most strongest and GIVING person i know. I tend to not show appreciation towards the things she does for me, but I tend to show disrespect when things go wrong between us. I would tell her how much i truly am grateful for every little thing she does. I would tell her how she means the world to me and without her I'm nothing. She molded me into the person I am now and all i want to do now is just make her proud and never disappoint her in the things that matter. We argue all the time, but it doesn't mean my love goes away for her. She always put me first in everything, even before her own self. I know she'd do anything for me including risk her life and I'd do the same for her in a HEARTBEAT. I would HATE to die knowing that I haven't showed my full appreciation towards her. I would want her to know that she was a GREAT mother to me and I couldn't ask for a better person to raise me. I wouldn't want her thinking that she hasn't succeeded her job as being a fantastic mother cause she has. If they're was a way where i can just show her my TRUE feelings towards her then i definitely would. its hard for me to express my true emotions when it comes to showing my family i truly do love them. Especially my parents. Since i was growing up I never really express my love towards my parents other than just saying " I love you". I feel too awkward and i Just don't feel comfortable. I would love to show my mother this paragraph, but she can't really read advance english reading. & Just showing her how i feel face to face is too too weird for me and i hate that i can't express it towards her.
Also, i would regret not being able to express how i feel towards my dad especially. Me and my father have sorta like a father- daughter relationship but i would say more towards just the Friend zone. I mean of course he tells me what to do, and whatever a father should do but we aren't like lovey dovey i don't know but its just weird for me to express my feelings. Me and my dad argue a lot and i don't see my father as much as i see my mom because he does night shift stuff and don't come home until like 12am. But i would want him to know that I appreciate everything he does for me. For him to understand where I am coming from when my mother doesn't. I appreciate ow he goes out his way to see my point of view. I know he does try and make up for the times he hasn't really fathered me when i was younger, and i REALLY do appreciate that. I would hate to die knowing my dad doesn't know how much i LOVE him. He's my dad, my best friend, like my brother and also the person who pushes me to do better in life and i appreciate that a lot. And even though i don't show appreciation, and we argue A LOT. I do appreciate him and I'm glad he isn't like most dads when theyre just plain strict. He acts like my best friend and i love that. I dont say i Love you a lot to this but its just how i relationsuip goes and if i can tell him how i feel i would.
If i were to die this evening with no opportunity to contact anyone. I would really regret not expressing how i Truly feel towards her IN HER FACE. My mother, she is the most strongest and GIVING person i know. I tend to not show appreciation towards the things she does for me, but I tend to show disrespect when things go wrong between us. I would tell her how much i truly am grateful for every little thing she does. I would tell her how she means the world to me and without her I'm nothing. She molded me into the person I am now and all i want to do now is just make her proud and never disappoint her in the things that matter. We argue all the time, but it doesn't mean my love goes away for her. She always put me first in everything, even before her own self. I know she'd do anything for me including risk her life and I'd do the same for her in a HEARTBEAT. I would HATE to die knowing that I haven't showed my full appreciation towards her. I would want her to know that she was a GREAT mother to me and I couldn't ask for a better person to raise me. I wouldn't want her thinking that she hasn't succeeded her job as being a fantastic mother cause she has. If they're was a way where i can just show her my TRUE feelings towards her then i definitely would. its hard for me to express my true emotions when it comes to showing my family i truly do love them. Especially my parents. Since i was growing up I never really express my love towards my parents other than just saying " I love you". I feel too awkward and i Just don't feel comfortable. I would love to show my mother this paragraph, but she can't really read advance english reading. & Just showing her how i feel face to face is too too weird for me and i hate that i can't express it towards her.
Also, i would regret not being able to express how i feel towards my dad especially. Me and my father have sorta like a father- daughter relationship but i would say more towards just the Friend zone. I mean of course he tells me what to do, and whatever a father should do but we aren't like lovey dovey i don't know but its just weird for me to express my feelings. Me and my dad argue a lot and i don't see my father as much as i see my mom because he does night shift stuff and don't come home until like 12am. But i would want him to know that I appreciate everything he does for me. For him to understand where I am coming from when my mother doesn't. I appreciate ow he goes out his way to see my point of view. I know he does try and make up for the times he hasn't really fathered me when i was younger, and i REALLY do appreciate that. I would hate to die knowing my dad doesn't know how much i LOVE him. He's my dad, my best friend, like my brother and also the person who pushes me to do better in life and i appreciate that a lot. And even though i don't show appreciation, and we argue A LOT. I do appreciate him and I'm glad he isn't like most dads when theyre just plain strict. He acts like my best friend and i love that. I dont say i Love you a lot to this but its just how i relationsuip goes and if i can tell him how i feel i would.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Advice column Assignment.
For the first video, about the phones boyfriend texting her constantly . The advice I can give to her is- She should DEFINITELY tell her boyfriend the 193489487528475 texts a day is bothering her. I don't think she should worry about hurting his feelings if she uses the right words, and say it kindly and make sure he doesn't mistake your words for meaning something else i think everything would go fine. BUT THEN, he may actually take it as if you find him annoying and don't want him to text you anymore which is why I say she has to make sure that he understand what she is saying when she says not to send her so much texts a day. I think everyone personally doesn't like when someone texts them way too much, but its nice to know the other person does think about you. I just think you should tell him that the texting is just getting way too far. Using the wrong words while telling him would probably make things worse. This situation can go two ways - where you use the right words and he gets what you are saying and texts you less than what he does. And then theres the other situation where he may take it as you don't want to speak to him anymore and for him to stop texting you because you find him annoying even though thats not the case. So, TELL HIM how you are feeling but also make sure you are saying it the right way. Reverse the roles, and write what you would want him to say to you so it won't sound so harsh.
For the Second video about pressuring for pictures. - IT IS NOT OKAY AT ALL TO PRESSURE SOMEONE FOR A PICTURE AT ALLLLLLLLLLLL! Pressuring a girl for a inappropriate picture is the worst thing you can do. FIRST OFF, you're going to make the girl think you're a lame for desperately wanting a picture. Girls deserve privacy when it comes to pictures. It should be her choice whether or not she wants to send a picture to you or not. Its her body, it doesn't matter if you guys went out for 8 days or 8 months. If she isn't ready then she doesn't have to send a picture. Also, you're sorta going to make the girl feel like you only want her to see if she is going to send you picture. You should just make her comfortable and not pressure her. Sending a picture to someone means facing the affects if it leaks or other people see it. Its embarrassing for the whole school to see your body, people will look at you differently, and its just a lot for a girl to handle. I think you shouldn't pressure a girl like that ever in your life. Its just disrespectful and not comfortable.
For the Second video about pressuring for pictures. - IT IS NOT OKAY AT ALL TO PRESSURE SOMEONE FOR A PICTURE AT ALLLLLLLLLLLL! Pressuring a girl for a inappropriate picture is the worst thing you can do. FIRST OFF, you're going to make the girl think you're a lame for desperately wanting a picture. Girls deserve privacy when it comes to pictures. It should be her choice whether or not she wants to send a picture to you or not. Its her body, it doesn't matter if you guys went out for 8 days or 8 months. If she isn't ready then she doesn't have to send a picture. Also, you're sorta going to make the girl feel like you only want her to see if she is going to send you picture. You should just make her comfortable and not pressure her. Sending a picture to someone means facing the affects if it leaks or other people see it. Its embarrassing for the whole school to see your body, people will look at you differently, and its just a lot for a girl to handle. I think you shouldn't pressure a girl like that ever in your life. Its just disrespectful and not comfortable.
Monday, May 7, 2012
I feel SOOOOO SOOOOO bad for people who get picked on and are really nice to people and caring. I mean, the kindest people get picked on and bothered and that really bugs me. I mean like why try and pick on them when they haven't done anything wrong. I mean i wouldn't consider myself the nicest person but I THINK I'm only mean to people who are rude or whatever. But the thing that gets me the most is that nice people continuously get picked on with out saying anything back. I mean, I see lots of teachers get disrespected by students like A LOT and i sorta think that's like really messed up because obviously teachers are only around to push us to a better future and kids take advantage of teachers when all they do is try and help you. I especially feel bad for the NICE teachers, because usually they are the one who get disrespected the most which i really don't know why. When kids pick on other kids i sorta feel bad. I mean i am mean to some people but i do feel bad afterwards and i mean I'm usually only mean to people who deserve it. Before you go and pick on someone think about your future and you never know they get to have the advantage of being mean to you. For example lets say you are going for a job, they can end up being your boss! Also, if you need help with something, they may be then only person to know how to solve it and they may not want to help with. Or if you want to be an actor you never if they are like the casting director and they can just be like nope you don't go the job! They may be the one who make the decision to the turning point of your life. so might as well be on everyone good side- JUST IN CASE. I don't really have much to say about this topic, but I just wanted to put that out there.
Random question 39.
What bugs me the most? - Oh yeah let me tell that have been bugging me RECENTLY ( there's lots of stuff that bugs me though). What has been bugging be a lot recently is people wastes a special talent that not many people have. I mean are you dumb? God don't hand out certain stuff to just anyone; I mean he obviously he given you that talent to go do something with your life but people tend to just waste it and choose another past or just DON'T GO NO WHERE IN LIFE! Like lets say if you're an amazing actor. But you just waste you talent doing NOTHING but lay down on your couch doing nothing instead of finding a way to show it off and take advantage of it. I find it really annoying because I know someone who was a great actress, was actually doing something for herself to make her accomplish her dream, and honestly i would say she could have had an amazing career ahead of her but she decided to drop out of school and just stopped striving to do stuff and now she does nothing but sit home. Also, SINGERS- there are many people in the music industry who cannot sing at all to me, but yet they get paid for doing something they suck at and is getting attention for their "talent" that usually just the help of technology and auto-tuning that makes them sound great. And then theres real talent out here but of course they decide to let it all go to waste. They let it go to waste by just dropping everything they have going for themselves and just doing nothing. I mean you can be showing off your talent by making music or performing but obviously you're just sitting on your butt doing absolutely nothing but watching other non- talented people performing. I mean i understand if you try, but if you don't even try and take advantage for what you have then i find that extremely annoying. Also, sometimes i find it annoying when people have great voices but decide to become a nurse when they grow up or a clothing designer or whatever. I mean whats the point of having a nice voice if you're not going to do nothing with your voice. I mean i DO understand if you have another future that you see but like ugh! why have the talent if you're not going to make use of it. But that doesn't really bother me i guess because you can be given something but want to work for something else. But yeah over the weekend i have been really thinking of that and that have been bothering me.
Nosy people,
WELL, Okay. Personally I hate nosy people, but i will not lie SOMETIMES i am nosy myself. But i just can't stand when people try and get into my conversation. I am nosy when like I want to know something desperately or something that may be interesting to know about; I would try and find out what happen or whatever. But i hate if I'm having a conversation with someone and then someone else is like what what what happen?! It annoys be so so much honestly, But it really annoys me, like if I'm texting someone or on the phone with someone and they're like who is that ! And just desperately wanting to know, like excuse me ? I deserve some privacy. I think you definitely know you're a nosy person if you are rummaging through people items without them knowing. I think that is so disrespectful. I think the only exception is if you are a worried parent trying to figure something out or a worried girlfriend/boyfriend. But still that's just extremely disrespectful. EVERYONE deserve their own privacy sometimes. But sometimes I do like to be nosy but its never to the extent where i rummage through other people PERSONAL stuff. I'd just want to know something that will keep in the loop but of course if someone is like sorry its personal or whatever the case is then obviously i will butt out. yeah, i honestly dont know what else to say about this topic so bye :p
Random question 38.
Why do you think kids of parents who drink alcohol, do drugs, or abuse the kids tend to do the same when they grow older?
I personally believe that is not true in ALL cases, I think SOME people who grow up with parents like that sometimes try and do better for themselves. They try and achieve more, I think having parents like that tends to push you more than a normal kid because you would probably want a better life for yourself and don't want to be seen as a person your parents is seen as and don't want to be in the horrible situation your parent is in. Having parents like that, you'd probably want to show others that you can do better and also show others that you wont follow your parents footsteps.
BUT THEN; of course there is the other side of the story where kids do turn out like their parents - an alcoholic , druggie, or abuser. I think since being raised by one, you probably learn to look at life a different way which is to abuse a child, drink tons of alcohol, or do lots of drug and making up an excuse to do so. Kids usually look to their parents as role models, and that wouldn't be different for a child of those type of people. They would maybe want to be just like them and follow in their footsteps. Whether you're a child of a alcoholic,druggie, or abuser OR a child of a lawyer,doctor, or someone successful. You tend to rely on them to set an example for you, and obviously the bad/ irresponsible parents are setting an example for their child which is being a druggie,alcoholic, or abuser so the kids probably believe thats the right way to go even though its not. Kids that have normal caring parents usually have parents to set example for them to finish school, push forward with things and etc but maybe kids with abusive parents teach them to hit kids or people when they are mad or frustrated. Kids of alcoholics maybe teach kids to drink the pain away and druggie kids maybe teach them to do drugs when they grow up to relieve stress ( I THINK, I'm not sure if its true!). I think in cases of being a daughter or son of a druggie or alcoholic cause kids to maybe start at a younger age of doing all these things. OF COURSE ; theres a time where kids go through their parents stuff. Especially as a teen, you tend to want to test out stuff like for teenage girls it'd be make up, or heels and boys- not appropriate to say. So being around those sort of harmful items ( alcohol and drugs) may want you to try and test out those types of things and may cause you to get addicted. And plus, theres places where you can reach out to and get those kinds of things to be an addict and keep trying drugs and alcohol and stuff. Well, I'm not a child of druggies or alcoholics or whatever - so i wouldn't really know anything about it, but i guess as an outsider trying to see in. This is what i see from my point of view.
I personally believe that is not true in ALL cases, I think SOME people who grow up with parents like that sometimes try and do better for themselves. They try and achieve more, I think having parents like that tends to push you more than a normal kid because you would probably want a better life for yourself and don't want to be seen as a person your parents is seen as and don't want to be in the horrible situation your parent is in. Having parents like that, you'd probably want to show others that you can do better and also show others that you wont follow your parents footsteps.
BUT THEN; of course there is the other side of the story where kids do turn out like their parents - an alcoholic , druggie, or abuser. I think since being raised by one, you probably learn to look at life a different way which is to abuse a child, drink tons of alcohol, or do lots of drug and making up an excuse to do so. Kids usually look to their parents as role models, and that wouldn't be different for a child of those type of people. They would maybe want to be just like them and follow in their footsteps. Whether you're a child of a alcoholic,druggie, or abuser OR a child of a lawyer,doctor, or someone successful. You tend to rely on them to set an example for you, and obviously the bad/ irresponsible parents are setting an example for their child which is being a druggie,alcoholic, or abuser so the kids probably believe thats the right way to go even though its not. Kids that have normal caring parents usually have parents to set example for them to finish school, push forward with things and etc but maybe kids with abusive parents teach them to hit kids or people when they are mad or frustrated. Kids of alcoholics maybe teach kids to drink the pain away and druggie kids maybe teach them to do drugs when they grow up to relieve stress ( I THINK, I'm not sure if its true!). I think in cases of being a daughter or son of a druggie or alcoholic cause kids to maybe start at a younger age of doing all these things. OF COURSE ; theres a time where kids go through their parents stuff. Especially as a teen, you tend to want to test out stuff like for teenage girls it'd be make up, or heels and boys- not appropriate to say. So being around those sort of harmful items ( alcohol and drugs) may want you to try and test out those types of things and may cause you to get addicted. And plus, theres places where you can reach out to and get those kinds of things to be an addict and keep trying drugs and alcohol and stuff. Well, I'm not a child of druggies or alcoholics or whatever - so i wouldn't really know anything about it, but i guess as an outsider trying to see in. This is what i see from my point of view.
Friday, May 4, 2012
So, Jansen told me to write about him so here we go.
JANSEN JANSEN JANSEN! We have went through SOOO SOO much since the 6th grade and look at us now, in the 8th grade and always play arguing. I remember the days in the 7th grade, where we was INSEPARABLE, I was with you all the time. Always wearing your hats and jackets/ sweater. Lmao, you seriously was my best friend. You was the only boy i felt comfortable being myself around you, instead of having to impress you, i can do the silliest thing or act dumb or make the ugliest faces and i know you wouldn't even care lml. Jansen- the ONLY boy i trust, you never told my secrets ever since the 7th grade and i Love you for that. You always respected me as a person, or my decisions or whatever the case was. We can have a conversation about anything! It can be about the stupidest stuff but we tend to make it sound really interesting which i love. I LOVE getting you mad, and you swear you are going to hit me back but you never do :p . Man oh man, the thing i love most about you is that when I'm in a bad mood you know how to make a person feel better automatically. When I'm down about something you tend to make me forget about it, - at least for a little. Your'e not a follower usually, which i like and you're EXTREMELY EXTREMELY funny. We of course go through our little arguments where i feel like smacking you across your face but of course its never really serious. I remember every time i was with you, theres always that one girl who used to just be like -_- but i LOVED it lmao. its just too funny. Somehow you seem to make basketball sorta interesting when we talk about it, but i just love talking bad about your favorite players because you get mad lml. I remember when you taught me about like basketball before lol i still sorta remember. Well here you got ugly jansen <3 your post that you want -.-
JANSEN JANSEN JANSEN! We have went through SOOO SOO much since the 6th grade and look at us now, in the 8th grade and always play arguing. I remember the days in the 7th grade, where we was INSEPARABLE, I was with you all the time. Always wearing your hats and jackets/ sweater. Lmao, you seriously was my best friend. You was the only boy i felt comfortable being myself around you, instead of having to impress you, i can do the silliest thing or act dumb or make the ugliest faces and i know you wouldn't even care lml. Jansen- the ONLY boy i trust, you never told my secrets ever since the 7th grade and i Love you for that. You always respected me as a person, or my decisions or whatever the case was. We can have a conversation about anything! It can be about the stupidest stuff but we tend to make it sound really interesting which i love. I LOVE getting you mad, and you swear you are going to hit me back but you never do :p . Man oh man, the thing i love most about you is that when I'm in a bad mood you know how to make a person feel better automatically. When I'm down about something you tend to make me forget about it, - at least for a little. Your'e not a follower usually, which i like and you're EXTREMELY EXTREMELY funny. We of course go through our little arguments where i feel like smacking you across your face but of course its never really serious. I remember every time i was with you, theres always that one girl who used to just be like -_- but i LOVED it lmao. its just too funny. Somehow you seem to make basketball sorta interesting when we talk about it, but i just love talking bad about your favorite players because you get mad lml. I remember when you taught me about like basketball before lol i still sorta remember. Well here you got ugly jansen <3 your post that you want -.-
Random question 37 from Mr.Lahana :')
Why are people so fascinated into Vampires & Supernatural stuff - Like people with powers and stuff.
Recently, there has been a new trend going on with movies. Which is having Vampires and Superhuman people included into their movies and books. I think ever since the Twilight Saga came out everybody has grown to like vampires and had a new look on them other than just typical movies where Vampires just sucked blood, killed people, slept in casket, and burned in the Sunlight. Twilight made a extreme change in vampires, in where they have feelings and fall in love and have different specialities like seeing the future, running fast, reading minds. I think people now like to make stories with Vampires and people with powers because as far as i know, its not real. So it shows the director or author creativity in the story or movie. I think it best for people who like challenges in making a story because REALLY; you can't really see from a vampire perspective or what they're feeling so it all has to be based on your imagination.
I think Twilight personally has made Vampires really popular and also werewolves, because they make vampires and werewolves interact with humans other than killing them which makes people really interested in it because thats not what usually happens in movies, especially falling IN LOVE with a human.
Also i think people get really into movies with supernatural things because usually its action packed - I mean who doesn't like Action movies?! I think people like seeing things that wouldn't normally see n everyday like, like people reading other people minds, or being telepathic or whatever the case is!
Recently, there has been a new trend going on with movies. Which is having Vampires and Superhuman people included into their movies and books. I think ever since the Twilight Saga came out everybody has grown to like vampires and had a new look on them other than just typical movies where Vampires just sucked blood, killed people, slept in casket, and burned in the Sunlight. Twilight made a extreme change in vampires, in where they have feelings and fall in love and have different specialities like seeing the future, running fast, reading minds. I think people now like to make stories with Vampires and people with powers because as far as i know, its not real. So it shows the director or author creativity in the story or movie. I think it best for people who like challenges in making a story because REALLY; you can't really see from a vampire perspective or what they're feeling so it all has to be based on your imagination.
I think Twilight personally has made Vampires really popular and also werewolves, because they make vampires and werewolves interact with humans other than killing them which makes people really interested in it because thats not what usually happens in movies, especially falling IN LOVE with a human.
Also i think people get really into movies with supernatural things because usually its action packed - I mean who doesn't like Action movies?! I think people like seeing things that wouldn't normally see n everyday like, like people reading other people minds, or being telepathic or whatever the case is!
Ageism .
I think AGEism happens a lot, for older people and also younger people. Well I think many adults under estimate kids sometimes, thinking most have a lack of intelligence and that adults are better than them. I mean as in, many adults consider kids very immature just cause of a couple of kids but they automatically think that of all kids. I mean if they was to just take time out to see SOME kids, they'd notice that some are even more mature than some adults and maybe more intelligence. I mean, if your from the Lower East Side, I think you'd notice that some adults are NO MORE intelligent or immature than kids cause honestly some kids act more mature than some adults. I hate how, if someone needs help with someone they'd most likely go to the adult. I mean, we're actually in school CURRENTLY ; so you never know if we just learned about something you need help on, compared to when you ask an adult they may forget because they haven't been in school in a long time. Also, lets say a 30 year old lady and a 15 year old has a chance to babysit someone child but the person has to choose between both females they'd go for the older lady, just ASSUMING that they have more experience because they had more years on this Earth. I mean, you never know if the teenager has plenty of baby sitting jobs and experience with kids- where as the adult has no experience WHAT SO EVER! I think more people need to realize that not all the kids are the same; that not all adults have the same intelligence and maturity as kids. Another thing is I hate how adults complain about how teenager have kids and stuff at a young age, they just assume that they can't handle a baby. Where plenty of adults can BARELY put food in their childs mouth. You never know if the teenager has a maturer brain or whatever the case is. For older people, I think ageism happens when people say older people cannot be "hip" as in wear the same stuff teenagers wear. When maybe the adult has a really nice body that they can show off certain assets as teenagers do; but still people look at them weird. I mean, in certain cases i don't think it should matter wether you're 53 years old with a nice body wearing the same clothes as a 17 year old, as long as they don't look old..
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