Friday, May 25, 2012
X factor,
X factor, not too sure if many people know about x factor or have an interest for it like how I was before. Before i always heard about it but never bothered to watch it because i thought it wasn't really interesting because i thought it never really got AS MUCH attention as like American Idol did. But come to find out many artist became famous from that show, like my husbands One direction who got famous off the UK X factor, Little mix who also got famous of Little Mix, Leona Lewis and many other artist. That show got recommended from many of my friends but never have i bothered to watch it. But now it is getting a lot of attention from the media because Demi Lovato and Brittney spears is Joining the show as a judge, which i am extremely excited for because i actually know them and i think they would bring a new style to the judges room. I look forward to watching it and i just cannot wait for it to start the new season with new talent and new judges! # Random o.O
random question ;
Why do i not like eating in front of boys? _ Credit to troy for this question .
I don't feel comfortable eating in front of many boys, although some boys ( as in very few) I can eat in front of. I Don't like eating in front of a guy because I don't want to look messy in front of them. I worry about my appearance once it comes to looking messy with food. I mean how embarrassing is it to have food in your teeth/braces? Having crumbs or sauce around your mouth? Or having your breath smell like mad food! I think that is so embarrassing. If I am forced to have to eat in front of a boy i always cover my mouth with my hand. I just don't feel comfortable eating in front of them. Sometimes it's not even only boys, i sometimes just don't feel comfortable eating in front of people in general for the exception of close friends. At lunch, many people may notice that i always cover my mouth while eating a lot even if all the people surrounding me in my table are close to me. There is still many people in the lunchroom and lets say people glances at me, i don't want to have food on my face or something, or i don't want to be chewing food or something while they're looking, I find that extremely embarrassing. I always carry gum around because I don't want to have food breath, thats disgusting -__- because i know i hate being around people who breath smell like what they ate for lunch. Also, i always check if i have food in my braces or teeth i mean thats really really embarrassing. So those are the reasons why i don't like eating in front of boys, and also the after stuff also. Thats just me. :)
I don't feel comfortable eating in front of many boys, although some boys ( as in very few) I can eat in front of. I Don't like eating in front of a guy because I don't want to look messy in front of them. I worry about my appearance once it comes to looking messy with food. I mean how embarrassing is it to have food in your teeth/braces? Having crumbs or sauce around your mouth? Or having your breath smell like mad food! I think that is so embarrassing. If I am forced to have to eat in front of a boy i always cover my mouth with my hand. I just don't feel comfortable eating in front of them. Sometimes it's not even only boys, i sometimes just don't feel comfortable eating in front of people in general for the exception of close friends. At lunch, many people may notice that i always cover my mouth while eating a lot even if all the people surrounding me in my table are close to me. There is still many people in the lunchroom and lets say people glances at me, i don't want to have food on my face or something, or i don't want to be chewing food or something while they're looking, I find that extremely embarrassing. I always carry gum around because I don't want to have food breath, thats disgusting -__- because i know i hate being around people who breath smell like what they ate for lunch. Also, i always check if i have food in my braces or teeth i mean thats really really embarrassing. So those are the reasons why i don't like eating in front of boys, and also the after stuff also. Thats just me. :)
Monday, May 21, 2012
Singers for some reason have such an affect on me. I am in love with singers, if i can choose to have a special sort of talent it would definitely be singing ( the ones who can do high and long long notes ). Especially when you're a male and have the ability to sing amazing is to me is very attractive. Not many people have the talent to sing naturally really nice so to stumble upon someone who has an amazing voice and having the chance to hear them sing is amazing. I am more into when guys can sing more because i barely ever meet a guy that can sing, i think i only met and heard one guy who can sing really nice - not naming names. But i think it is more common for a girl to be a singer or "say" they're a singer when in reality they aren't. I think it makes a guy much more attractive and no I'm not talking about a male country singer nor a heavy metal type. But more as in chris brown, or justin bieber or one direction ! Which is why i am very much attracted to them :) especially harry styles in one direction. But Singers just i don't know how to explain it other than that i really like singers. I think singers now in the industry don't deserve to be as famous as they are because they have the auto tuning and everything to help them vocally so when it comes down to performing live they sound horrible. But then there are real talented people who aren't yet famous, but have a beautiful voice which doesn't involve needing to add much effects and auto-tuning. I personally think it'd be way better to have people become famous they'd have to go through like a talent show to show their true talent like one direction, kelly clarkson and etc instead of being a F A K E. Or at least show proof that you can actually sing, whether its being on a talent show, or singing acoustic a lot, and stuff to prove you are worthy to be in the industry. Yesterday was the billboard awards and i was highly disappointed because most of the singers were lip synching and some who didn't lip sync sounded horrible ( SOME) and you just look at them confused like they sang that song?! I wish singers sounded as good as they do while recording and stuff. I think the only acceptable thing to sound horrible or to lip synch is if you are out of breath or dancing or moving around rapidly a lot. - JUST SAYING.
Random Question
If i had to remove one of my senses, which would it be?
This is a really a hard question because all my senses come in handy and i make use of them all the time. Having these senses help you in everyday life and living without any of my senses would make a major effect on me and my life because I'm so used to having my senses already. My parents have lost their hearing and being able to speak, but seem to be perfectly fine just needing help with certain stuff and needing a translator. It would be really hard for me to lose my hearing and not being able to speak because that means i can't overhear what others are saying and also that means i can't express myself verbally which i do a lot. Being blind is the worst because everything i do involves looking, i can't even coop with being wide awake in the dark doing nothing because i feel so helpless, i can't use that sense to see where I'm going or see who I'm speaking to, or know what i am touching. Not being able to know what others are doing around me, just makes me feel vulnerable. Having headphones on pretty means i lost my hearing other than to music, but to the outer world i feel as if i can't hear anything but still i cope with it. I feel really weird when people are speaking and i can't hear them because i have headphones really loud in my ears, but i am able to take off my headphones, whereas being deaf you can't take it off. I usually have to put my input in every conversation, i usually have an opinion on everything so i speak on it but not being able to speak means i can't say how i feel verbally. Not being able to taste anything would also suck because i am a major fan of food and tasting food so not being able to taste food and enjoy it would suck a lot. Touching stuff is a part of everybody everyday life, whether its just touching this keyboard while I'm writing, or touching my hand or anything and not being able to feel anything would be extremely weird. But if i had to choose to loose any of my senses i would probably loose the sense to taste anything because that wouldn't really be a major affect on my life. I could cope with not being able to taste stuff, although it sucks that you can't taste great stuff or anything like that it would suck. Not being able to taste stuff is not that serious compared to not being able to hear, see, touch or talk to me.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Random Question.
Listen to this Killer Mike song called Reagan.
In it, he begins by talking about how his community sabotages itself.
Later, he raps about how our government is corrupt and all about
keeping the rich rich. He might be right about some of the stuff he
says, however, the government does do some good things. What are your thoughts on our government? What do we do well? What do we need to work on?
Honestly, before I never cared about what the government did. I never was caring about being updated about what they did, whether it was Obama speaking, or the mayor or whatever i never really cared; as long as I was still alive and my community seemed well. But my older cousin opened my eyes when it came to the government and made me look at them way differently than i did before. I'm not too sure if its true but, they say that right now as I'm typing this, the government is making chips to put in our bodies. The chips are like replacements for money; they scan you to pa for stuff. I think that's really bad because everybody will know how much you are worthy of. Whether you are wealthy or not which i think having wallets and money has the ability to hide that. Well, I'm not too sure if everybody knows about this story - but recently a husband and wife and a couple of kids fell off the bridge or something like that because they crashed into something older or flew out of something i honestly don't know. BUT, everybody thinks it was a accident that can be fixed; but actually that exact bridge, at that exact spot the same incident happened twice in like the 19 hundreds that could have been fixed before with the help of the government. Still, no one has fixed it! Which means that can happen again and again. I think, theres a cure for everything! Cancer, herpes, HIV or whatever. But think about it, if we had all those cures there would barely be any types of deaths happening, whether it was the cause of cancer or some sort of std because we have all the cures we need. If we did have these cures, this world would be SO overpopulated, which means more communities to care for and whatever. I think the government is just being heartless and think they are making the world better but really they're just making everything worse.
'Left eye' from TLC, i remember i read a book about her and they said that she was driving and fell off a cliff or something like that. But i don't think that was by accident, i think that was planned for sure. There is a man in Africa or something RIGHT now who has the cure for everything people say. For cancer, STD, or ANYTHING! He has a cure BUT the government has told him to keep quiet because then the government knows everybody would go to him to figure out the cures which means - the world being overpopulated. So look, before Left Eyes death, she found out about the man and was going to go to him for the cure so she can get rid of her sickness or disease. Before she left to go see him, she blew his cover not knowing he was a secret. She told the public that there is a man there who has a cure for everything and she was going there, and that was the last the the government wanted because now everybody knew about him. She then went, and then what a coincidence that when she came back all healthy she fell of a cliff in a car. People believe that the secret agent people definitely planned that because she told the public cluelessly that the man was there, and then right when she came back that happened. She got pushed off with the car, it was all in their plan of seeking revenge i would say. Call me crazy but I'm not the only one who believes this. The government are heartless and uncaring people personally to me who actually have different intentions then what the people in America thinks. If they can kill Left Eye just cause of that what makes you think they won't do something else that's really bad. They put up a front in front of America but behind closed doors, what do you really think they're planning?
THERE IS a cure for everything, but remember the government is keeping it from us. Do you really think they're looking out for whats best for us?
Honestly, before I never cared about what the government did. I never was caring about being updated about what they did, whether it was Obama speaking, or the mayor or whatever i never really cared; as long as I was still alive and my community seemed well. But my older cousin opened my eyes when it came to the government and made me look at them way differently than i did before. I'm not too sure if its true but, they say that right now as I'm typing this, the government is making chips to put in our bodies. The chips are like replacements for money; they scan you to pa for stuff. I think that's really bad because everybody will know how much you are worthy of. Whether you are wealthy or not which i think having wallets and money has the ability to hide that. Well, I'm not too sure if everybody knows about this story - but recently a husband and wife and a couple of kids fell off the bridge or something like that because they crashed into something older or flew out of something i honestly don't know. BUT, everybody thinks it was a accident that can be fixed; but actually that exact bridge, at that exact spot the same incident happened twice in like the 19 hundreds that could have been fixed before with the help of the government. Still, no one has fixed it! Which means that can happen again and again. I think, theres a cure for everything! Cancer, herpes, HIV or whatever. But think about it, if we had all those cures there would barely be any types of deaths happening, whether it was the cause of cancer or some sort of std because we have all the cures we need. If we did have these cures, this world would be SO overpopulated, which means more communities to care for and whatever. I think the government is just being heartless and think they are making the world better but really they're just making everything worse.
'Left eye' from TLC, i remember i read a book about her and they said that she was driving and fell off a cliff or something like that. But i don't think that was by accident, i think that was planned for sure. There is a man in Africa or something RIGHT now who has the cure for everything people say. For cancer, STD, or ANYTHING! He has a cure BUT the government has told him to keep quiet because then the government knows everybody would go to him to figure out the cures which means - the world being overpopulated. So look, before Left Eyes death, she found out about the man and was going to go to him for the cure so she can get rid of her sickness or disease. Before she left to go see him, she blew his cover not knowing he was a secret. She told the public that there is a man there who has a cure for everything and she was going there, and that was the last the the government wanted because now everybody knew about him. She then went, and then what a coincidence that when she came back all healthy she fell of a cliff in a car. People believe that the secret agent people definitely planned that because she told the public cluelessly that the man was there, and then right when she came back that happened. She got pushed off with the car, it was all in their plan of seeking revenge i would say. Call me crazy but I'm not the only one who believes this. The government are heartless and uncaring people personally to me who actually have different intentions then what the people in America thinks. If they can kill Left Eye just cause of that what makes you think they won't do something else that's really bad. They put up a front in front of America but behind closed doors, what do you really think they're planning?
THERE IS a cure for everything, but remember the government is keeping it from us. Do you really think they're looking out for whats best for us?
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Describe your best and worst birthday.
My worst - My worst birthday was probably about 2 years ago when i was turning 12. It was the worst, well first we didn't even really celebrate it with balloons, and friends. I actually got my braces that day! SO of course my teeth was in so much pain. I had to wake up extremely early so i won't get to my appointment late. I received no gift at all from nobody not even my parents; they said why do anything special if you're only 12 -_-. So, first bad thing- NO gift! Then we got to the dentist and they put on my braces and i started getting pains on my teeth so it would be hard for my to eat, oh but wait guess that! >:o my parents decided to take me out to eat so i had to struggle and eat. I was in so much pain, so i was barely eating which sorta wasted my parents money, but i ate enough for a girl who was in pain! If i wasn't in pain i would have definitely ate a lot as usual. Then i got home and it was just a normal day, took a shower and watched TV. fun right?
My best- from what i can remember i never really had like the BEST party in the world because honestly, on a normal day I'd choose staying home alone doing nothing over going to a party with a whole bunch of friends. But my best that i can remember would definitely be when i was turn 10, My parents were throwing me a surprise party. So they lied to me saying that it was my parents friend son birthday and they was forcing me to go even though i really did not want to go! They said it was just going to be at a restaurant and whatever and what do you know! It was for me, I was sooooooo soooo shocked, like more than i ever have been. Plus i also received so much money! About like 1,200 i think - yeah that's how much people came - A LOT. But -__________________________- my parents only gave me 60 dollars out of it and paid the restaurant with the rest! That was the biggest drain ever, i mean why throw me a little party there if you not going to pay it yourself. The people who came obviously gave ME the money for MYSELF not no damn restaurant. So yeah that sucked
My worst - My worst birthday was probably about 2 years ago when i was turning 12. It was the worst, well first we didn't even really celebrate it with balloons, and friends. I actually got my braces that day! SO of course my teeth was in so much pain. I had to wake up extremely early so i won't get to my appointment late. I received no gift at all from nobody not even my parents; they said why do anything special if you're only 12 -_-. So, first bad thing- NO gift! Then we got to the dentist and they put on my braces and i started getting pains on my teeth so it would be hard for my to eat, oh but wait guess that! >:o my parents decided to take me out to eat so i had to struggle and eat. I was in so much pain, so i was barely eating which sorta wasted my parents money, but i ate enough for a girl who was in pain! If i wasn't in pain i would have definitely ate a lot as usual. Then i got home and it was just a normal day, took a shower and watched TV. fun right?
My best- from what i can remember i never really had like the BEST party in the world because honestly, on a normal day I'd choose staying home alone doing nothing over going to a party with a whole bunch of friends. But my best that i can remember would definitely be when i was turn 10, My parents were throwing me a surprise party. So they lied to me saying that it was my parents friend son birthday and they was forcing me to go even though i really did not want to go! They said it was just going to be at a restaurant and whatever and what do you know! It was for me, I was sooooooo soooo shocked, like more than i ever have been. Plus i also received so much money! About like 1,200 i think - yeah that's how much people came - A LOT. But -__________________________- my parents only gave me 60 dollars out of it and paid the restaurant with the rest! That was the biggest drain ever, i mean why throw me a little party there if you not going to pay it yourself. The people who came obviously gave ME the money for MYSELF not no damn restaurant. So yeah that sucked
Harry styles,

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