1. Give three examples of plagarisim.
a. When someone puts their name on someone elses art work.
b. Putting your name on someone elses essay.
c. Stealing someone else homework and take credit for it.
2. Take each example you gave in number 1 and write what you could do to make it NOT plagiarism.
You wont be doing plagiarism if you don't copy from someone else or take someone elses work. I think it is perfectly fine if you read someone elses work or see it and try to make a different idea off of their work.
3. Go to Techbrarian’s Student Blogs page and find a quote from your favorite student blogger. Copy and paste the quote into your blog. Next, go to the citation machine.
Put in the information they ask to generate a citation for that quote.
Copy and paste the result into your blog below the quote.
"This game is important because this helps you pick the right choice when it comes to your teenage life." (Sanchez, 2001)
Sanchez, E. (2001, November). [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://3sm1l.blogspot.com/2011/11/hivaids-game.html
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